Right neck dissection levels IIA, III and IV in the context of a salvage total laryngectomy



  • uab uab
  • 88 media
  • uploaded November 16, 2022

In this video we show a neck dissection of the ipsilateral levels IIA, III and IV in the context of an N0 laryngeal cancer that it is undergoing a salvage total laryngectomy.

Different incisions can be done,  but in this case we used the same incision we later used for the total laryngectomy, which it is a separate incision from the tracheostomy.

After cutting the skin, subplatismal flaps are raised. Then, the anterior border of the SCM muscle is identified and the fascia cut. The SCM muscle is skeletonized and the internal jugular vein is exposed. The XI cranial nerve (accessory nerve) is located in the upper third of the SCM muscle. On the lower limit the omohyoid muscle is identified. The upper and lower ends of the internal jugular vein are identified and all the tissue on top of the vein is removed. The cervical rootlets are sought, preserved and followed, protecting the scalenes and the phrenic nerve at the floor of the neck.


Categories: Surgical video

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