Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
UAB Live Stream
UDE Live Stream
PUMS Live Stream
In this video we will show a classic technique for sealing an old tracheostoma that did not close spontaneously.
It is usually a surgery performed under local anesthesia with or without sedation. It is generally divided into three layers: the skin around the tracheostomy, which will be the innermost layer, a layer of fat-fascia-muscle covering the previous suture, and finally, the skin.
There is usually no need to keep a drain after the surgery, and the results of the closure and the aesthetics are good.
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