Tumor of the left vocal fold. Cordectomy type V



  • pums pums
  • 147 media
  • uploaded January 18, 2023

A 68-year-old male was admitted to the otolaryngology department due to a tumor of the left vocal fold. T2 N0M0. Stroboscope examination showed a tumor infiltrating the entire left vocal fold, anterior commissure and penetrating to the subglottic area. In the computer tomography examination the infiltration of the laryngeal cartilages was not noticed. therefore, a decision was made to perform endoscopic surgery.  Type  V cordectomy was performed due to the extent of the tumor.
In the first stage of the operation, the left vestibular fold was removed to better visualize the lesion. Then, the soft tissues of the anterior commissure were separated from the thyroid cartilage using a CO2 laser and forceps. Step by step the entire vocal fold was removed, preserving the anatomical structures. During such an extensive resection, a monopolar electrode was used to coagulate bleeding vessels.

Categories: Surgical video


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