Tumor of the left vocal fold. Cordectomy type III



  • pums pums
  • 147 media
  • uploaded January 17, 2023

A 65-year-old man was admitted to the otolaryngology department due to recurrence of left vocal fold cancer. Eight months earlier, a type I chordectomy of the left vocal fold was performed due to carcionoma in situ. Stroboscopic examination revealed a tumor covering the anterior 2/3 of the vocal fold and a complete disturbance of phonation vibrations. Due to the penetration of the tumor into the subepithelial layer and infiltration of the vocalis muscle, a type III cordectomy was performed. Using the CO2 laser the pathology can be excised step by step respecting the anatomical layers. Finally the carcinoma can be removed and sent for histopathological examination.

Categories: Surgical video


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