Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
UAB Live Stream
UDE Live Stream
PUMS Live Stream
A 56-year-old woman was admitted to the otolaryngology department due to a tumor of the left vocal fold. The patient was smoking 20 cigarettes per day for over 30 years. 3 weeks earlier, a biopsywas taken, which showed the neoplastic nature of the lesion. Type II cordectomy was performed using a CO2 laser. In order to improve visualization of the surface of the vocal fold, the vestibular fold was partially removed in the first stage of the operation.
The specimen was sent for histopathological examination.
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