Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
UAB Live Stream
UDE Live Stream
PUMS Live Stream
In this video we show the case of a patient with severe dysphagia due to an enlarged piriform sinus after a vocal cord paralysis. We performed a pharyngoplasty, resecting the excess of mucosa of the piriform sinus. We expose the thyroid cartilage, we cut the constrictor muscle, we cut the edge of the thyroid cartilage and we identify the mucosa of the piriform sinus. We cut the excess of mucosa with and Endo GIA stapler, and we then suture back the constrictor muscle, and we close by layers.
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