Pharyngeal reconstruction with pectoralis major myocutaneous flap



  • uab uab
  • 88 media
  • uploaded December 11, 2022

In this video we show a Fabian-type circular pharyngectomy closure with a split-thickness skin graft on the posterior wall and a horseshoe-shaped pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. In some cases where it is not possible to do a free flap, the pectoralis major flap with a split-thickness skin graft can be used to make a new pharynx. This video shows this technique. The split-thickness skin graft has been placed on the prevertebral wall, along with a salivary bypass tube. A pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is raised to close the pharynx. The skin of the pectoralis major myocutaneous flap is sutured to the esophagus at the lateral level. The proximal skin of the flap is sutured to the posterior wall of the theoretical pharynx, taking prevertebral muscles and the split-thickness skin graft. The flap is sutured at the base of the tongue. Finally, the remaining wall is sutured. It is reinforced by suturing the pectoralis muscle to the suprahyoid muscles.

Categories: Surgical video

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