Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
UAB Live Stream
UDE Live Stream
PUMS Live Stream
28 year old male patients with recurrence of the papillomatosis in anterior commissure. Recurrent respiratory papilllomatosis is the disease cause by HPV viruses typ 6/11. This disease is characterized by recurrent warts covering the epithelium. The patient was operated 6 months before in our Department. The papillomas were removed by using co2 laser. During the procedure the biopsy was taken to the histopathological examination. The lesions were excide only from the right vocal fold to prevent synechia and web formation in anterior commissure.
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