Arytenoid adduction



  • uab uab
  • 88 media
  • uploaded December 11, 2022

In this video we show an arytenoid adduction in a patient with a previous medialization thyroplasty. The thyroid cartilage is identified where the thyroplasty prosthesis placed 18 months ago is located. The posterior border of the thyroid cartilage is identified, and the constrictor muscle is cut. The mucosa of the piriform sinus is separated until the arytenoid is palpated. The muscular apophysis of the arytenoid is identified and this area is communicated with the paraglottic space where the prosthesis was (which is now removed). A suture is placed from the muscular apophysis to the anterior part of the thyroid cartilage, and the nod is used to adduct the arytenoid. Finally, a new medialization thyroplasty prosthesis is placed.

Categories: Surgical video


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