Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
Surgical broadcasts
Chapter 1 - Microlaryngoscopy basic surgery
Chapter 2 - Medialization procedures
Chapter 3 - Precancerous lesions and laryngeal RRP
Chapter 4 - Transoral cancer surgery
UAB Live Stream
UDE Live Stream
PUMS Live Stream
In this video we show a procedure to improve one of the common dysphagia problems, which is drooling. We performed a ligation with clips of the Wharton’s duct (we show one side, but it is done bilaterally). The papilla is located, an incision is made in the floor of the mouth, the Wharton’s duct is identified, and confirmed with sialoendoscopy material by placing the guide inside Wharton’s duct. Once well isolated, 2-3 clips are placed, and the mucosa that was opened in the floor of the mouth is closed.
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